服务指引 & 情感支持动物

服务 & 校园里的情感支持动物

Jamestown 社区 College is welcoming of individuals with disabilities who use service or emotional support animals (ESA) because of a disability. 推荐几个足彩外围app允许服务和情感支持动物, JCC遵守有关残疾人的州和联邦法律. The college does not generally permit animals in campus buildings except as this guidance accommodates, 除非该动物以学术教学为目的在场, JCC服务, 或jcc主办的项目.


只有狗和迷你马可能是服务性动物. A service animal is an animal that has been trained to perform specific work or tasks for a person with a disability, 包括体检, 感觉, 精神病学, 知识, 认知, 医疗, 或其他精神残疾. The mere provision of emotional support by the animal’s presence does not make an animal a service animal. 普通的服务性动物训练可能包括引导盲人或聋哑人, 通知某人即将发作癫痫的, intentionally pawing or nuzzling a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to calm anxiety, 提醒某人吃药的, or intentionally applying calming pressure to a person prone to anxiety or panic attacks.

服务的动物 are permitted everywhere on campus that the animal may reasonably accompany a person with a disability. 这包括教室、办公室、宿舍、休息室和公共区域. The college may on a case-by-case basis exclude the animal from laboratories or other areas where the presence of the animal may cause an unavoidable hazard, 健康风险, or where the animal’s presence would fundamentally interfere with the service or instruction provided.

当动物提供的服务不明显时, or when there is a reasonable basis to conclude that the animal might not be a service animal, 工作人员可以进行有限的询问. Staff may ask only two questions: 1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, 2)狗被训练去做什么工作或任务.

JCC does not require individuals with service animals to receive permission to have their animal with them on campus, 在校园里也没有动物出现的预先通关要求. 然而, 根据上述两部分调查, reasonable documentation and/or demonstration of the animal’s training may be requested. 

The college will not charge a surcharge for deposit for having a service animal in campus housing, but reserves the ability to make appropriate assessments of charges to the owner for any damage or cleaning costs for which the animal is responsible. 学生 with service animals shall never be segregated from the general population of students or campus visitors.


情感支持动物不是服务性动物. 情感支持动物 provide emotional support that alleviates the symptoms or effects of a person’s disability, 但可能没有经过专门的训练来执行任何任务或功能, 或者满足服务性动物的有限定义. 情感支持动物 are also sometimes called comfort animals or therapy animals.

JCC permits emotional support animals only within residential facilities and outdoors, 而不是在其他校园建筑内. An individual may keep an emotional support animal in a residence hall if 1) the individual has a documented disability, 2) the animal is necessary to permit that individual to use and find comfort in their residential space, and 3) if there is an actual relationship between the disability and the assistance or emotional support that the animal provides to the person. 

情感支持动物被认为是一种适应, and all accommodation requests for the possession of emotional support animals should be made through the office of 可及性服务. 某些野生动物或易对社区健康或安全构成威胁的动物, 哪一个不能以合理的方式扮演情感支持动物的角色, 可能不被允许.


服务 dogs and/or miniature horses or other animals must be kept near the person with a disability and are not permitted to run free.

动物必须符合适用的疫苗接种法律. 学生, 教师, 还有那些想要, 符合这一政策, to have an animal with them in campus buildings on a regular basis should submit to the Office of 可及性服务 a copy of the animal’s vaccination history from a veterinarian or other authorized person to verify compliance with local ordinances.

学生 intending on having an animal in campus housing must provide 可及性服务 with an up-to-date vaccination record for the animal, and must provide notice of this intent prior to the housing application deadline for the applicable semester so that appropriate planning and arrangements can be made, 这样就可以给潜在的室友和室友提供适当的通知.

The animal must be clearly labeled as a service animal or emotional support animal and restrained with a harness, 皮带, or tether of some kind unless the nature of the disability and the animal’s training precludes such physical restriction.

如果是这样的话, the animal must be reliably controlled by voice or a substitute method of restriction. The animal’s excrement or other refuse must be disposed of by the owner in a prompt and hygienic manner.

Owners are expected to control the volume of their animal and quell any unreasonable loudness or excitableness.

动物在任何情况下都不允许跳上去, 舔, 推动, 在咆哮, 或者与校园社区的其他成员交往.

Animals must be properly cared for, fed, and maintained in reasonable health with due diligence. JCC工作人员将不负责清理动物的粪便, 喂动物, 或者在任何情况下观察动物的任何时间.


JCC may ask an individual to remove an animal from a campus building or property if:

  • 该动物扰乱指示、服务或使用设施.
  • 动物构成健康或安全风险或直接威胁.
  • 该动物不具备可接受的卫生条件或未被驯养.
  • 这只动物没有得到控制.
  • The animal is no longer performing a role of disability related service or assistance.
  • The presence of the animal would fundamentally alter the nature of a program or activity.
  • 动物的主人不清理动物的粪便.
  • JCC reasonably concludes that the animal is not a service or emotional support animal.
  • 业主不遵守本政策的任何其他内容.

学生 who feel that they have been asked to remove their animal arbitrarily or otherwise feel this policy has been enforced against them unfairly may file a grievance with the JCC coordinator of 可及性服务.